The Tournament Director versions

Create and manage poker tournament databases
Oct 28, 2017
Mar 11, 2014
Feb 23, 2013
Feb 29, 2012
Nov 3, 2011
Sep 29, 2011
Mar 23, 2008
Dec 13, 2012
Jun 16, 2010

What's new

v3.2 [Feb 23, 2013]
Version 3.2.1
Bugs Fixed:
- (3.2): Players rankings are reversed
- (3.2): Some controls on Preferences tab don't update properly on language change
Version 3.2
New Features:
- Added Layout Scaling. This allows the layout to be scaled to most screen sizes
- Added "Transactions" dialog, for viewing and editing all tournament transactions (Buy-ins, Rebuys, Add-ons)
- Transactions now store Receipt number, so receipts can be recreated/reprinted for any transaction
- Buy-in, Rebuy, and Add-on Profiles added
- Added button on Player Movement dialog to allow setting of the dealer buttons; also added button on Tables tab
and a hotkey to allow accessing this dialog
- Added a currency symbol preference for chips
- Column sort information for each Settings tab now saved as a preference
- Added seating moves to the tournament history, and a preference for enabling/disabling
- Added option to Buy-in players on the "New Player" dialog
- Added new layout screen type "HTML", which is a free form HTML page with embedded layout tokens
- Added "Built-in" layouts, a dialog making it easy to choose from any of the layouts that come with the TD software
- Added new layouts: Default layout built for 1920x1080 screens, Emily's Delight, and Abstract Layout by Stuart Murray
- Modified all layout tokens with the clock "format" attribute to allow more flexible time display options
- Added layout token
- Formula and Condition dialogs now have a Cheat Sheet button, which opens a page in your default browser with complete
documentation on formula variables, operators, and functions
- Added dozens of points and condition formula variables
- Added over 100 new Overall Score formula variables
- Added formula functions index(), triangle(), setListLength(), totalForRake()
- Added preference for Strict searching. When enabled, searches match all words entered. When disabled,
searches match any words entered
- Help tab reworked
- Modified tables to adjust columns visually
- Exiting the application no longer prompts for confirmation if the Windows close button is pressed, since a bug
in Internet Explorer causes the application to exit regardless of how the user answers the confirmation
- Added confirmation dialog when ESC key pressed on certain dialogs
- Added example files for Status Updates feature
- Added a preference to hide the "Print" button on the Player Movement dialogs (defaults to hide)
- Added method to override file locations for preferences and datastore configuration files
- Changed all appropriate path inputs to indicate when paths are not found
- Reworked context menu in Game window to be more consistent across screens and at different times in the tournament
- Added Print options on Summary tab and Summary export
- Overhauled Extended Display tool (now Display Management)
- Drag and drop to arrange dual displays
- Added new options for opening dialogs (on Main display, on Extended display, etc)
- Added profiles for storing different extended display configurations (good for laptops that get connected to
different displays)
- Added hotkeys for moving and sizing Game and Settings windows
- Save the tournament automatically on exit if auto-save is enabled (previously the software asked upon exit)
- Added "New Season" and "New League" options to League and Season drop downs on Game tab
- Changed font dialog to display font list using the corresponding font (and a preference for font size or disable)
- Added a preference to save receipts in the same folder as the tournament file

v3.1 [Feb 29, 2012]
New Features:
- Added "Remove player from tournament" context-menu option on Tables tab
Bugs Fixed:
- (3.1): "Object doesn't support this property or method" error on start up
- <inlineRankings> token only displays busted players (winner isn't displayed after tournament is over)
- (3.1): Error on Seasons dialog when selecting a Default Season (fixed in 3.1 patch 1)
- (3.1): Prize dialog doesn't recognize Recipient Override when Recipient set to Manual (fixed in 3.1 patch 2)

Alternative downloads

Five Card Deluxe
Five Card Deluxe

If you like solitaire and poker, Five Card Deluxe is the game for you.

Pokémon Trading Card Game Online
Pokémon Trading Card Game

An online, free to play Pokémon themed card trading game.

ID Card Workshop
ID Card Workshop

Create various types of customized ID cards for your organization.

Magical Cangkul Tournament
Magical Cangkul Tournament

Game developed by David setiabudi

Poker Tournament Manager Demo
Poker Tournament Manager Demo

Useful tool that help you manage your poker tournaments.